Már egy órája ugatott a kutya, mire végre kiment, hogy megnézze. - The dog had been barking for an hour before he went out to look at it.
Két órája próbálta lefordítani a levelet, mielőtt segítséget kért. - She had been trying to translate the letter for two hours before she asked for help.
Órákig romantikus filmeket nézett, mielőtt aludni ment. - She had been watching romantic foilms for hours before she went to sleep.
Öt perce csengett a telefon, mire felvette. - The phone had been ringing for five minutes by the time she answered it.
Két órát vártunk, mire végre megérkeztek. - We had been waiting for two hours by the time they arrived.
Egy órát várt a buszra, aztán taxit hívott. - He had been waiting for the bus for an hour, then he called a taxi.
Két éve gitározott már, mielőtt beállt a zenekarba.- He had been playing the guitar for two years before she joined the pop group.
Már egy órája a húgommal játszottam, mire anyáék hazaértek. - I had been playing with my sister for an hour by the time my parents arrived home.
Húsz perce a szállodát kereste, mire valaki segített neki. - He had been looking for the hotel for twenty minutes by the time somebody helped him.
Fél órája beszéltem a barátnőmmel telefonon, amikor anya szólt, hogy tegyem le. - I had been talking to my friend on the phone for half an hour, when mum told me to stop.