Megtanítalak angolul

Megtanítalak angolul

Chocolate-covered cherry day

2016. január 03. - Mrssheperd


January 3 is unofficially considered National Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day in the United States.

Cella's brand of cherry cordial confection








Chocolate covered cherries are a traditional dessert confection. Variations include cherry cordial candy with liquid fillings often including cherry liqueur, as well as chocolate covered candied cherries and chocolate covered dried cherries.

Manufacturers of chocolate covered cherries include Marich Confectionery and Cella's. Chocolate covered cherries feature in the story-line of the South Park episode Simpsons Already Did It. Cherry cordial candy are also popular. Chukar Cherries in central Washington state dries 250,000 pounds of cherries and creates a much richer taste.

Tom Faglon released a recipe for dark chocolate bark where he added pomegranate seeds on the surface of dark chocolate. The taste has been described by Melissa Clark of the New York Times as sophisticated.


Forrás: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


confection = a sweet preparation, such as candy.

cordial = a liqueur.

candied = impregnated with sugar or syrup

dried = preserved by removing natural moisture

manufacturer = a person, an enterprise, or an entity that produces something.

bark = covering, skin, layer

pomegarante = a round fruit with a round fruit with membranous chambers filled with a juicy, tart red pulp and white seeds



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