Megtanítalak angolul

Megtanítalak angolul

Őszi szünetre - kézműveskedünk és angolozunk egyszerre

2012. október 28. - Mrssheperd

Take children’s hand shapes and create a forest.

Paper crafts using children’s hands shapes are a great buzz for them.

Trace around part of the arm as well to make the trunk, the fingers will be the branches.


Trace the shape onto brown paper and glue that onto your background paper.

Then chop up lots of autumn or fall colored tissue paper into small pieces.

Scrunch the bits of tissue paper up.


Dunk them in a bit of glue and then pop onto the tree.


Nice, isn't it?

trace around (v) = to press something against paper and draw a line around the edges that are in contact with the paper.

trunk (n) = the main woody axis of a tree.

branch (n) = a secondary woody stem or limb growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree

glue (v) = to stick or fasten with glue

chop up (v) = to cut into pieces

scrunch up (v) = to crush or crunch

pop on (v) = to snap something onto something

dunk (v) = to plunge into liquid; immerse

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